Sunday, June 2, 2019


Today students finished work on their India presentations.

Students also received their research papers back today. Students have to option to do essay revisions to earn some points back on their papers if they choose. These will be due no later than June 10th. The process is listed below and must be followed to earn credit. Revisions will not be grade if the reflection piece is not completed.

Directions for essay revisions
11. Have you checked the comments on your paper and rubric? No?  You cannot revise until you do so. Yes? You are able to revise.
22. Choose the rubric categories you most want to improve: Thesis, Evidence, Analysis, Organization, Language.
*3. For each category you want to improve, write a brief paragraph answering: What did you do well in that category?What do you need to improve? How are you going to improve?
44. Next: pick one or two sections where you struggled, and revise that. For example, say one paragraph lacked analysis, rewrite that paragraph with better analysis. Or, if you need to improve quote integration, pick a paragraph to rewrite quote integration. You may do this for more than one rubric category. If you lost points because you did not have a Works Cited Page, you can also turn that in to increase the MLA score.
55. If you are not sure why you got a score on a rubric section, read the rubric descriptors or talk to Santos.
66.This will be due June 10th. You will email or bring in a printed copy and give it to Santos. You must also attach the rubric from your original paper. I cannot add points to the category if I don't know the breakdown.
77. The overall point of this is to see that you know where you are struggling, and practice/improve by rewriting. You should not be rewriting the ENTIRE essay though

Upcoming Dates:

6/3-4: India Presentations
6/6: India readings due and Early India quiz
6/10: Last day for essay revisions

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