Thursday, October 31, 2019


Today we discussed the presidential image and how modern media has shifted the perspective on the executive office.

Presidential image class notes

Remember that tomorrow we will do an in class essay on the Executive Branch. You will have a choice of two prompts (in class notes above) and it is open note. If you feel the need to do some preparation tonight, I recommend creating a rough thesis or jotting down some ideas of what you want to talk about. You should have plenty of time in class to do these things however.
Things you should NOT do:

  • Create a full rough draft of your essay. This will not be allowed as "notes". In class essays are meant to see what you can create in a class period.
  • Create a full MLA outline for your essay. Same reasoning as above.
  • Do a lot of outside research. This is meant to be an assessment of your understanding of concepts discussed in class.

First semester Integrated Source analysis 

Upcoming Dates:
11/1: Campaign analysis voter profile due (assigned Tuesday)
11/7: Campaign analysis 1st fact check due (We will have a work day in class on Monday)
11/15: Campaign analysis project due


Today students worked on their voter profiles for the source analysis project.

First semester Integrated Source analysis 

Homework due Thursday: Bring in any article about President Trump. Doesn't have to be political.

Upcoming Dates:
10/31: president article
11/1: Campaign analysis voter profile due (assigned Tuesday)
11/7: Campaign analysis 1st fact check due
11/15: Campaign analysis project due


Today we introduced our integrated campaign analysis project. The first part involves working with a partner to create a voter profile for the district. Assignment is below. If absent, see Mrs. Santos or Mr. Smith to go over instructions and get access to the community mailers.

First semester Integrated Source analysis 

Homework due Thursday: Bring in any article about President Trump. Doesn't have to be political.

Upcoming Dates:
10/31: president article
11/1: Campaign analysis voter profile due (assigned Tuesday)
11/7: Campaign analysis 1st fact check due
11/15: Campaign analysis project due

Monday, October 28, 2019


Today we discussed the evolution of Presidential power. We looked at how different presidents have expanded the power of the executive branch. We then looked at the expansion of executive orders.

Executive Branch class notes (updated from Friday)

Executive Order assignment Use this to look at Executive orders. No need to turn the assignment in. After looking at the chart on the initial page click presidents at the top, then scroll down and click search all documents, then choose the president from the drop down. Under document category choose Executive orders.

Homework due Thursday: Bring in any article about President Trump. Doesn't have to be political.

Upcoming Dates:
10/31: president article
11/1: Campaign analysis voter profile due (assigned Tuesday)
11/7: Campaign analysis 1st fact check due
11/15: Campaign analysis project due

Friday, October 25, 2019


Today we finished up the Legislative Branch and looked at the structure of the Executive Branch.

Executive Branch class notes (stop when you get to Bureaucracy)

No homework for Santos. :) Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, October 24, 2019


Today we looked at the Legislative Process, both how Legislative power is used and the problems within the system. We discussed a lot of things in addition to what's on the slides (expanding the basics) so be sure to touch base with a classmate to get more thorough notes.

Legislative process class notes

Upcoming Dates:
10/25: Bring an article about the Legislative Branch to discuss (read the article. no need to do the analysis).


Santos gone. Students worked on LA with Mr. Smith.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Today we discussed the structure of the Legislative Branch of government. We also took a reading quiz so make sure to schedule a time to take that with Mrs. Santos if absent.

Legislative Structure class notes

Upcoming Dates:
10/25: Bring a current news article about the Legislative Branch (no need to do the analysis)

Monday, October 21, 2019


Today we did some thesis practiced. We practiced identifying the different parts of a thesis statement. We also discussed how to identify the parts of a thesis from a prompt as thesis writing is hard if we don't understand what we're being asked to do.

Thesis and prompt analysis

Upcoming Dates:
10/22: Reading notes on Chapter 11 of TCI.

Friday, October 18, 2019


Today we finished our discussion of Federalism. We discussed and turned in our current events article analysis.

Federalism class notes (we just went through gerrymandering today and will finish tomorrow).

**Reminder that videos are not required. You may simply get the class notes from a peer.

Upcoming Dates:
10/22: Reading notes on Chapter 11 of TCI.

Thursday, October 17, 2019


Today we discussed Federalism. We look at the benefits and problems within the system.

Federalism class notes (we just went through gerrymandering today and will finish tomorrow).

**please note that the John Oliver link is from YouTube. While I use an edited version in class, the links are not edited. Watching the videos is not required. He gives a good explanation of gerrymandering and its complexities but you are welcome to just get the notes from a classmate.

Upcoming Dates:
10/18: Current Events Article (topic should be Federalism, think states rights, state government, or local government. We will discuss the topic more on Thursday).
10/22: Reading notes on Chapter 11 of TCI.



Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Today we discussed media bias and how to assess the news we read.

Media Bias class notes (please note that the John Oliver link is from YouTube. While I use an edited version in class, the links are not edited. Watching the videos is not required. They are just examples of the media bias discussed).

Upcoming Dates:
10/18: Current Events Article (topic should be Federalism, think states rights, state government, or local government. We will discuss the topic more on Thursday).

Thursday, October 10, 2019


Today students took their unit 2 exam. If absent, please schedule a time to take the test with Mrs. Santos, preferable during flex time next Wednesday.


Today students combined their LA and SS knowledge to create a propaganda poster that promotes the Constitution using one of the guiding principles. If absent, instructions are below. Your definition and explanations should be on the back.

Propaganda assignment instructions (goes in both gradebooks)

Upcoming Dates:
10/11: Unit 2 Test (study guide)

Wednesday, October 9, 2019


Today we had an in-class discussion on the Bill of Rights.

Upcoming Dates:
10/11: Unit 2 Test (study guide)


Today we had an in-class discussion on the Bill of Rights.

Upcoming Dates:
10/11: Unit 2 Test (study guide)

Monday, October 7, 2019


Today students looked through the Constitution to complete a scavenger hunt of important points in the document.

If absent, use the Constitution at the end of your textbook to complete the sheet below.

Constitution Scavenger Hunt

Due Tomorrow: Read the Bill of Rights and be ready to discuss the following for each amendment: What rights are protected? What does it mean to you? What other interpretations might cause conflict/controversy?

Upcoming Dates:
10/11: Unit 2 Test (study guide)

Friday, October 4, 2019


Today we finished our discussion on the structure of the Constitution.

Constitution class notes

Upcoming Dates:
10/11: Unit 2 exam

Thursday, October 3, 2019


Today we discussed the creation of the Constitution. We also took a reading quiz. If absent, schedule a time with Mrs. Santos to do a make-up.

Constitution class notes

Upcoming Dates:
10/11: Unit 2 exam

Wednesday, October 2, 2019


Today students worked on LA with Mr. Smith.

6/7 block! If you received a pink sticky note from me today, it means you were absent during flex time on Sept. 11th when we watched the student handbook video. This is a mandatory school requirement. Please watch the video at the link below (not long). Then tell Mrs. Santos tomorrow to sign the acknowledgment form. If you do not, admin will be contacting you.

Upcoming Dates:
10/3: Readings notes on 3.3-3.6, 4.4 due (click link for a pdf if you are having trouble with the online book)
10/11: Unit 2 exam

Tuesday, October 1, 2019


Today we discussed the philosophies of the Enlightenment that impacted the founding of American government.

Enlightenment class notes

Students also worked in groups to create a motivational meme for one of the philosophies. If absent, follow the directions below to complete the assignment. In the directions you will also find four readings. The first two will help with the Hobbes/Locke poster. The last two give a little more information on Montesquieu and Rousseau, the other two Enlightenment thinkers we discussed in class.

Hobbes/Lock motivational meme

Upcoming dates:
10/3: Reading notes on sections 3.3-3.6 and 4.4 of your textbook