Thursday, January 31, 2019


Students had Wednesday Thursday and Friday to work research their Israel or Iran presentations with their groups.

Upcoming Dates:
Mon 2/4: Israel/Iran Presentations
Tue 2/5: Semester feedback form

Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Today we did a brief introduction of the Israel-Palestine conflict. We also formed groups for our Israel/Iran presentations.

Israel-Palestine Intro

Israel/Iran Presentation Instructions

Upcoming Dates:
Mon 2/4: Israel/Iran Presentations
Tue 2/5: Semester feedback form

Tuesday, January 22, 2019


Today we played a Jeopardy review game. Click the link below if you'f like to go over it again. Remember that this does not cover everything and your study guide is still your best resource. Because this game contains macros you will need to download it and enable content when you open it for it to work.

Final Jeopardy review


Today we reviewed for finals, including going over the integrated essay.


Today we took the history common assessment. If absent, please arrange a makeup with Mrs. Santos.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


Today students finished their Triple Venn Diagram of the Abrahamic Religions and turned in their homework packets.

Semester 1 Finals Study Guide

Upcoming Dates:

Due Friday 1/18: This is the final due date for all Semester 1 late work.

Thursday will be our Latin America Common Assessment. If you know you will be absent, please arrange with Mrs. Santos to take it outside of class.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019


Today students worked on their Triple Venn Diagram of the 3 Abrahamic religions.

Semester 1 Finals Study Guide

Upcoming Dates:

Due Wednesday 1/16: Abrahamic Religions homework packet (Judaism, Christianity, Islam readings)
Due Friday 1/18: This is the final due date for all Semester 1 late work.

Thursday will be our Latin America Common Assessment. If you know you will be absent, please arrange with Mrs. Santos to take it outside of class.

Monday, January 14, 2019


Today we discussed the origins and rise of Islam.

Islam Class notes

Semester 1 Finals Study Guide

Upcoming Dates:

Due Wednesday 1/16: Abrahamic Religions homework packet (Judaism, Christianity, Islam readings)
Due Friday 1/18: This is the final due date for all Semester 1 late work.

Thursday will be our Latin America Common Assessment. If you know you will be absent, please arrange with Mrs. Santos to take it outside of class.

Friday, January 11, 2019


Today we discussed the origins and spread of Christianity.

Christianity Class notes

Upcoming Dates:

Due Monday 1/14: Rise of Islam This reading has a reading guide. Be sure to answer all the questions. No need to critically read.
Due Friday 1/18: This is the final due date for all Semester 1 late work.

Thursday, January 10, 2019


Today we discussed the origins  of Judaism and students listed and ranked the 10 most important terms/people/events of Judaism in preparation for our Triple Venn Diagram this week.

Judaism class notes

Upcoming Dates:

Below are the readings that will be due Friday and Monday. They are a little longer so feel free to get a jumpstart. Critically read and make sure you can identify the major events/people/terminology for each religion.

Due Friday 1/11: Rise of Christianity
Due Monday 1/14: Rise of Islam This reading has a reading guide. Be sure to answer all the questions. No need to critically read.
Due Friday 1/18: This is the final due date for all Semester 1 late work.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019


Today we introduced out Abrahamic Religions mini-unit. Since all three religions we will discuss begin with the Abraham, today students read the story of Abraham and where the Abrahamic Covenant came from. If absent, read the story below and answer the questions at the top of each sections in your notes.

Abraham story

Upcoming Dates:

Below are the readings that will be due Thursday, Friday and Monday. They are a little longer so feel free to get a jumpstart. Critically read and make sure you can identify the major events/people/terminology for each religion.

Due Thursday 1/10: Origins of Judaism
Due Friday 1/11: Rise of Christianity
Due Monday 1/14: Rise of Islam

Tuesday, January 8, 2019


Today students participated in a Socratic Seminar discussing modern Latin American politics. We handed in our prep sheets and answered some reflection questions.

**IF ABSENT** The make-up Socratic Seminar will be held on Wednesday, January 16 at 9:30 am in room 2416. Please let Mrs. Santos known ASAP if this will absolutely not work for you.

Upcoming Dates:

Tomorrow we will begin our Monotheistic Religions mini-unit. Below are the readings that will be due Thursday, Friday and Monday. They are a little longer so feel free to get a jumpstart. Critically read and make sure you can identify the major events/people/terminology for each religion.

Due Thursday 1/10: Origins of Judaism
Due Friday 1/11: Rise of Christianity
Due Monday 1/14: Rise of Islam

Monday, January 7, 2019


Today students finished their research and preparation for tomorrow's Socratic Seminar. Tonight students should look over their research and think about how they might like to discuss the guiding questions.

Upcoming Dates:

Later this week we will begin our Monotheistic Religions mini-unit. Below are the readings that will be due Thursday and Friday. They are a little longer so feel free to get a jumpstart. Critically read and make sure you can identify the major events/people/terminology for each religion.

Eue Thursday 1/10: Origins of Judaism
Due Friday 1/11: Rise of Christianity

Thursday, January 3, 2019


Today students had a research day for their Latin America Socratic Seminar.

Latin American Politics Research assignment


Today we finished our background information for Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Brazil. Students then had time to begin their research in preparation for Tuesday's Socratic Seminar.

Latin American Politics class notes

Latin American Politics Research assignment

Wednesday, January 2, 2019


Today we introduced our modern Latin American Politics mini-unit. We began looking at the basic background for the 3 main countries that will be looked at. Tomorrow we will finish the background and begin our independent research for  Tuesday's Socratic Seminar.

Class notes are below. I will hand out the instruction sheet tomorrow but you can also view it below. This will also be good practice for us to improve our research and practice finding good specific evidence to support our analysis which is why most of the research will be done in class Thursday, Friday, and Monday.

Latin American Politics class notes

Latin American Politics Research assignment