Wednesday, December 18, 2019


Today students worked on Persepolis with Mr. Smith. All students should have a score and feedback on their 3-level outline. Be sure to check as you continue your work.

Don't forget that the 4-level final outline is due Friday!!

Final Outline Rubric  (There is no word count requirement, however points will be lost for insufficient evidence/Body Thesis sections)

Tuesday, December 17, 2019


Today students took their elections and campaigns exam. If absent, please schedule a time to take the test with Mrs. Santos no later than Friday December 20.

Don't forget that the 4-level final outline is due Friday!!

Final Outline Rubric  (There is no word count requirement, however points will be lost for insufficient evidence/Body Thesis sections)


Today students gave each other a peer edit on their 3-level outlines.

Don't forget our exam on Elections and political parties tomorrow!!

Upcoming Dates:
12/17: Unit exam on campaigns and elections Study guide
12/20: Final 4-level outline due on Tii AND hard copy in class

Friday, December 13, 2019


Today students had work time for their outlines.

Please remember your gift drive items if you are buying them this weekend. Final donation day is Monday!!

**Important notes: 
          *Reminder that Mrs. Santos moved the due date for the 3-level outline back. This must be on no later than Sunday 12/15 at 10pm. Students need to bring a hard copy to class on Monday for peer editing.
          *If you will be out of town on the 20th, your outline is still due. Per the syllabus, students with excused absences are still responsible for due dates on long projects. You will need to hand in your outline before you go or make sure you have reliable internet access to submit on Friday.

Upcoming Dates:
12/153-level outline due (think of this as your rough draft)
12/16: Hard copy of 3-level outline in class for peer editing
12/17: Unit exam on campaigns and elections Study guide

Thursday, December 12, 2019


Today we finished our discussion on Elections and looked at the problems associated with campaign finance. Students then had work time for their 3-level outlines (5th period will have work time on Friday).

Elections class notes The videos watched were the Crash course on Political campaigns and John Oliver's Congressional Fundraising (edited for class).

**Important notes: 
          *Reminder that Mrs. Santos moved the due date for the 3-level outline back. This must be on no later than Sunday 12/15 at 10pm. Students need to bring a hard copy to class on Monday for peer editing.
          *If you will be out of town on the 20th, your outline is still due. Per the syllabus, students with excused absences are still responsible for due dates on long projects. You will need to hand in your outline before you go or make sure you have reliable internet access to submit on Friday.

Upcoming Dates:
12/153-level outline due (think of this as your rough draft)
12/16: Hard copy of 3-level outline in class for peer editing
12/17: Unit exam on campaigns and elections Study guide


Today we discussed the electoral process and potential problems associated with it.

Elections class notes (We stopped on slide 10)

**Important notes: 
          *Reminder that Mrs. Santos moved the due date for the 3-level outline back. This must be on no later than Sunday 12/15 at 10pm. Students need to bring a hard copy to class on Monday for peer editing.
          *If you will be out of town on the 20th, your outline is still due. Per the syllabus, students with excused absences are still responsible for due dates on long projects. You will need to hand in your outline before you go or make sure you have reliable internet access to submit on Friday.

Upcoming Dates:
12/153-level outline due (think of this as your rough draft)
12/16: Hard copy of 3-level outline in class for peer editing
12/17: Unit exam on campaigns and elections

Monday, December 9, 2019


Today we discussed how to organize our research/evidence into categories to prepare for outline writing. We also looked at proper formatting for an outline.

Organizing and creating an outline

Outlining Template

Body Thesis Statements 

Students should be working through the organization process with their evidence tonight. Work on finding your categories and fleshing out your initial thesis (to be turned in tomorrow).

**Important notes: 
          *Reminder that Mrs. Santos moved the due date for the 3-level outline back. This must be on no later than Sunday 12/15 at 10pm. Students need to bring a hard copy to class on Monday for peer editing.
          *If you will be out of town on the 20th, your outline is still due. Per the syllabus, students with excused absences are still responsible for due dates on long projects. You will need to hand in your outline before you go or make sure you have reliable internet access to submit on Friday.

Upcoming Dates:
12/15: 3-level outline due (think of this as your rough draft)
12/16: Hard copy of 3-level outline in class for peer editing
12/17: Unit exam on campaigns and elections

Sunday, December 8, 2019


Today students had work time in the library for their source evaluations and outlines.

Thursday, December 5, 2019


Today we had work time for our first semester outline. Students also received instruction on how to do an OPCVL source evaluation which is due Monday for your 4 sources.

OPCVL instruction

OPCVL guide

First Semester outline

~We will have work days for our outline on Friday. Students should still be working on their research between now and then. I have included some research guidance in today's slides. 

Upcoming Dates:
12/9: Source Analysis Due


Today we took the Civics Common Assessment. No need to make this up if you were absent. We then finished our Political Party notes (link in Monday's post).

Monday, December 2, 2019


Today we discussed trends in political participation and began our discussion on political parties.

Political Parties class notes (stop when you get to the homework slide)

Political Typology article

**Due tomorrow: Critically read and answer the questions for the political typology article above.

Tomorrow we will take our Civics Common Assessment. This is a standardized test that students do not need to study for.

First Semester outline

~We will have work days for our outline Thursday and Friday. Students should still be working on their research between now and then. I have included some research guidance in today's slides. I will give instruction on the OPCVL source analysis on Thursday.

Upcoming Dates:
12/3: Common Assessment
12/9: Source Analysis Due

Tuesday, November 26, 2019


Today we held our Citizenship Socratic Seminar. Students should have turned in their prep sheet and Native American Sovereignty assignment after the seminar.

Due Monday December 2nd : Reminder that last week we introduced our first semester Social Studies outline. Your first task is to decide which prompt you would like to write about. The assignment sheet is below. Please take some time to do some basic (britannica level) research for 2-3 of the prompts and decide which one you want to write about. We will begin this process on December 3rd and you don't want to waste your first research day trying to figure out what to write about. If you have questions, see Mrs. Santos.

First Semester outline

Monday, November 25, 2019


Today we debriefed and shared about our Native American sovereignty assignment. We then prepared for tomorrow's Socratic Seminar.

**Due tomorrow: Socratic Seminar prep sheet and Native American assignment.

Upcoming Dates:
11/26: Citizenship Socratic Seminar

Tuesday, November 19, 2019


Today students had work time for their Native American sovereignty assignment.

Native American Sovereignty Assignment (Links for step 3 are on page 2)

Tribal government reading 

Upcoming Dates:
11/25: Native American Sovereignty assignment
11/26: Citizenship Socratic Seminar


Today students had work time for their Native American sovereignty assignment.

Native American Sovereignty Assignment (Links for step 3 are on page 2)

Tribal government reading 

Upcoming Dates:
11/25: Native American Sovereignty assignment
11/26: Citizenship Socratic Seminar


Today we finished our discussion on voting rights and disenfranchisement.

Suffrage class notes

We also introduced our Native American Sovereignty assignment. Students will work on this Thursday and Friday in class. It is strongly recommended that students get started on step one as homework. Though students can finish the readings in class, there are three other steps that must completed during those work days so it will be helpful to have step one finished or mostly finished. Instructions are below. The readings were handed out in class and are linked below. You only need to read pages 2-5 of the pdf. Do not do the activity on page 5.

Native American Sovereignty Assignment (Links for step 3 are on page 2)

Tribal government reading 

Upcoming Dates:
11/25: Native American Sovereignty assignment
11/26: Citizenship Socratic Seminar

Monday, November 18, 2019


Today we finished our campaign presentations and began our discussion on voting rights.

Suffrage class notes (today we got through the slide asking if voting rights are all fixed)

Upcoming Dates:
11/26: Citizenship Socratic Seminar

Friday, November 15, 2019


Today students presented their campaign analysis projects.

**Don't forget to upload your project document to Turnitin by 10 pm!

Upcoming Dates:
11/26: Citizenship Socratic Seminar

Thursday, November 14, 2019


Today we discussed Immigration and the Naturalization process in the United States.

Immigration/Citizenship class notes

We did watch a video by John Oliver today on Legal Immigration. It does show the 4 pathways to immigration and their various roadblocks very well. However, this is not required. You can get the notes from a class mate. If you do really want to watch it, it is on YouTube but remember that I edit the content heavily to make it clean. If you would like to watch the clean version, you can arrange that with me outside of class time (Wednesday mornings or during flex time).

**Don't forget to bring in your completed campaign analysis project tomorrow!!

Upcoming Dates:
11/15: Campaign analysis project due
11/26: Citizenship Socratic Seminar

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Today we had our final work day for our campaign analysis project. Remember that the final product (poster or trifold) is due Friday.

Upcoming Dates:
11/15: Campaign analysis project due

Friday, November 8, 2019


Today we took our unit 3 exam.

** Remember that quarter grades are due next week. All late work for Unit 3 is due by Tuesday. No late work will be accepted after this day.

Upcoming Dates:
11/15: Campaign analysis project due

Thursday, November 7, 2019


Today students did a gallery walk within their groups to learn about our landmark Supreme Court cases. Students then turned in their visuals.

Due today: Court case visual and campaign fact check

**Don't forget that our Unit 3 exam is tomorrow! Study guide below.

Upcoming Dates:
11/8: Unit 3 Exam (Unit 3 study guide)
11/15: Campaign analysis project due

Tuesday, November 5, 2019


Today we discussed the structure and process of the Judicial branch. Students worked in groups to research landmark supreme court cases from U.S. history.

Judicial Branch class notes

*Don't forget that our Unit 3 exam on the structure of the government (Federalism and 3 branches) will be on Friday the 8th. Study guide in below.

First semester Integrated Source analysis 

Government structure study guide

Upcoming Dates:
11/7: Landmark supreme court case visual
11/7: Campaign analysis 1st fact check due on Tii and hard copy in class
11/8: Unit 3 Exam
11/15: Campaign analysis project due

Monday, November 4, 2019


Today students had work time in the library to do research for their campaign analysis project.

*Don't forget that our Unit 3 exam on the structure of the government (Federalism and 3 branches) will be on Friday the 8th. Study guide in below.

First semester Integrated Source analysis 

Government structure study guide

Upcoming Dates:
11/7: Campaign analysis 1st fact check due (We will have a work day in class on Monday)
11/8: Unit 3 Exam
11/15: Campaign analysis project due

Friday, November 1, 2019


Today students did and in class timed write on the Executive Branch. Instructions in the powerpoint below. If absent, set a timer for 45 minutes. Complete the timed write in this time frame and turn in to Mrs. Santos.

Executive Branch Timed write

On Monday students will have a work day for their campaign analysis project. You should have been assigned your candidate today. Email Mrs. Santos if absent.

First semester Integrated Source analysis 

Upcoming Dates:
11/7: Campaign analysis 1st fact check due (We will have a work day in class on Monday)
11/15: Campaign analysis project due

Thursday, October 31, 2019


Today we discussed the presidential image and how modern media has shifted the perspective on the executive office.

Presidential image class notes

Remember that tomorrow we will do an in class essay on the Executive Branch. You will have a choice of two prompts (in class notes above) and it is open note. If you feel the need to do some preparation tonight, I recommend creating a rough thesis or jotting down some ideas of what you want to talk about. You should have plenty of time in class to do these things however.
Things you should NOT do:

  • Create a full rough draft of your essay. This will not be allowed as "notes". In class essays are meant to see what you can create in a class period.
  • Create a full MLA outline for your essay. Same reasoning as above.
  • Do a lot of outside research. This is meant to be an assessment of your understanding of concepts discussed in class.

First semester Integrated Source analysis 

Upcoming Dates:
11/1: Campaign analysis voter profile due (assigned Tuesday)
11/7: Campaign analysis 1st fact check due (We will have a work day in class on Monday)
11/15: Campaign analysis project due


Today students worked on their voter profiles for the source analysis project.

First semester Integrated Source analysis 

Homework due Thursday: Bring in any article about President Trump. Doesn't have to be political.

Upcoming Dates:
10/31: president article
11/1: Campaign analysis voter profile due (assigned Tuesday)
11/7: Campaign analysis 1st fact check due
11/15: Campaign analysis project due


Today we introduced our integrated campaign analysis project. The first part involves working with a partner to create a voter profile for the district. Assignment is below. If absent, see Mrs. Santos or Mr. Smith to go over instructions and get access to the community mailers.

First semester Integrated Source analysis 

Homework due Thursday: Bring in any article about President Trump. Doesn't have to be political.

Upcoming Dates:
10/31: president article
11/1: Campaign analysis voter profile due (assigned Tuesday)
11/7: Campaign analysis 1st fact check due
11/15: Campaign analysis project due

Monday, October 28, 2019


Today we discussed the evolution of Presidential power. We looked at how different presidents have expanded the power of the executive branch. We then looked at the expansion of executive orders.

Executive Branch class notes (updated from Friday)

Executive Order assignment Use this to look at Executive orders. No need to turn the assignment in. After looking at the chart on the initial page click presidents at the top, then scroll down and click search all documents, then choose the president from the drop down. Under document category choose Executive orders.

Homework due Thursday: Bring in any article about President Trump. Doesn't have to be political.

Upcoming Dates:
10/31: president article
11/1: Campaign analysis voter profile due (assigned Tuesday)
11/7: Campaign analysis 1st fact check due
11/15: Campaign analysis project due

Friday, October 25, 2019


Today we finished up the Legislative Branch and looked at the structure of the Executive Branch.

Executive Branch class notes (stop when you get to Bureaucracy)

No homework for Santos. :) Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, October 24, 2019


Today we looked at the Legislative Process, both how Legislative power is used and the problems within the system. We discussed a lot of things in addition to what's on the slides (expanding the basics) so be sure to touch base with a classmate to get more thorough notes.

Legislative process class notes

Upcoming Dates:
10/25: Bring an article about the Legislative Branch to discuss (read the article. no need to do the analysis).


Santos gone. Students worked on LA with Mr. Smith.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Today we discussed the structure of the Legislative Branch of government. We also took a reading quiz so make sure to schedule a time to take that with Mrs. Santos if absent.

Legislative Structure class notes

Upcoming Dates:
10/25: Bring a current news article about the Legislative Branch (no need to do the analysis)

Monday, October 21, 2019


Today we did some thesis practiced. We practiced identifying the different parts of a thesis statement. We also discussed how to identify the parts of a thesis from a prompt as thesis writing is hard if we don't understand what we're being asked to do.

Thesis and prompt analysis

Upcoming Dates:
10/22: Reading notes on Chapter 11 of TCI.

Friday, October 18, 2019


Today we finished our discussion of Federalism. We discussed and turned in our current events article analysis.

Federalism class notes (we just went through gerrymandering today and will finish tomorrow).

**Reminder that videos are not required. You may simply get the class notes from a peer.

Upcoming Dates:
10/22: Reading notes on Chapter 11 of TCI.

Thursday, October 17, 2019


Today we discussed Federalism. We look at the benefits and problems within the system.

Federalism class notes (we just went through gerrymandering today and will finish tomorrow).

**please note that the John Oliver link is from YouTube. While I use an edited version in class, the links are not edited. Watching the videos is not required. He gives a good explanation of gerrymandering and its complexities but you are welcome to just get the notes from a classmate.

Upcoming Dates:
10/18: Current Events Article (topic should be Federalism, think states rights, state government, or local government. We will discuss the topic more on Thursday).
10/22: Reading notes on Chapter 11 of TCI.



Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Today we discussed media bias and how to assess the news we read.

Media Bias class notes (please note that the John Oliver link is from YouTube. While I use an edited version in class, the links are not edited. Watching the videos is not required. They are just examples of the media bias discussed).

Upcoming Dates:
10/18: Current Events Article (topic should be Federalism, think states rights, state government, or local government. We will discuss the topic more on Thursday).

Thursday, October 10, 2019


Today students took their unit 2 exam. If absent, please schedule a time to take the test with Mrs. Santos, preferable during flex time next Wednesday.


Today students combined their LA and SS knowledge to create a propaganda poster that promotes the Constitution using one of the guiding principles. If absent, instructions are below. Your definition and explanations should be on the back.

Propaganda assignment instructions (goes in both gradebooks)

Upcoming Dates:
10/11: Unit 2 Test (study guide)

Wednesday, October 9, 2019


Today we had an in-class discussion on the Bill of Rights.

Upcoming Dates:
10/11: Unit 2 Test (study guide)


Today we had an in-class discussion on the Bill of Rights.

Upcoming Dates:
10/11: Unit 2 Test (study guide)

Monday, October 7, 2019


Today students looked through the Constitution to complete a scavenger hunt of important points in the document.

If absent, use the Constitution at the end of your textbook to complete the sheet below.

Constitution Scavenger Hunt

Due Tomorrow: Read the Bill of Rights and be ready to discuss the following for each amendment: What rights are protected? What does it mean to you? What other interpretations might cause conflict/controversy?

Upcoming Dates:
10/11: Unit 2 Test (study guide)

Friday, October 4, 2019


Today we finished our discussion on the structure of the Constitution.

Constitution class notes

Upcoming Dates:
10/11: Unit 2 exam

Thursday, October 3, 2019


Today we discussed the creation of the Constitution. We also took a reading quiz. If absent, schedule a time with Mrs. Santos to do a make-up.

Constitution class notes

Upcoming Dates:
10/11: Unit 2 exam

Wednesday, October 2, 2019


Today students worked on LA with Mr. Smith.

6/7 block! If you received a pink sticky note from me today, it means you were absent during flex time on Sept. 11th when we watched the student handbook video. This is a mandatory school requirement. Please watch the video at the link below (not long). Then tell Mrs. Santos tomorrow to sign the acknowledgment form. If you do not, admin will be contacting you.

Upcoming Dates:
10/3: Readings notes on 3.3-3.6, 4.4 due (click link for a pdf if you are having trouble with the online book)
10/11: Unit 2 exam

Tuesday, October 1, 2019


Today we discussed the philosophies of the Enlightenment that impacted the founding of American government.

Enlightenment class notes

Students also worked in groups to create a motivational meme for one of the philosophies. If absent, follow the directions below to complete the assignment. In the directions you will also find four readings. The first two will help with the Hobbes/Locke poster. The last two give a little more information on Montesquieu and Rousseau, the other two Enlightenment thinkers we discussed in class.

Hobbes/Lock motivational meme

Upcoming dates:
10/3: Reading notes on sections 3.3-3.6 and 4.4 of your textbook

Monday, September 30, 2019


Today students presented and took notes on their comparative governments jigsaw. If absent, touch base with your group or Mrs. Santos to get access to your group's posters when you return.

Flex time tomorrow will be quiet homework time. Students can work on their reading notes that are due Thursday.

Homework due Thursday: Read and take notes on chapter 3 sections 3-6 and chapter 4 section 4 of your textbook (3.3-3.6, 4.4).

Upcoming Dates:
10/3: Chapter 3 and 4 reading notes (see above)


Today students finished their comparative governments jigsaw posters.

Upcoming Dates:
9/30: Comparative Governments Jigsaw due

Thursday, September 26, 2019


Today students worked in the library on their comparative governments research.

Upcoming Dates:
9/30: Comparative Governments Jigsaw due

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


Today students worked in the library to research their government types for their comparative governments jigsaw.

Comparative Governments jigsaw

Upcoming Dates:
9/30: Comparative Governments Jigsaw due


Today we played a power grab game. We then analyzed our game by looking at Power, Political Power Games, and Economic systems. Students then got into groups for our Comparative Governments jigsaw. Instructions are below. Due on Monday Sept 30.

Power and Economics notes

Comparative Governments jigsaw

Upcoming Dates:
9/30: Comparative Governments Jigsaw due

Monday, September 23, 2019


Today we took some time to get signed into the online version of our Civics textbook. We then introduce our Civics unit.

Civics intro

Friday, September 20, 2019


Today students took the Culture Unit Test. Grades will go in as 2 scores, one for multiple choice, one for the short answer section. If absent, please schedule a time to make up the test with Mrs. Santos (preferably during flex time!). :)

Thursday, September 19, 2019


Today we discussed Maslow's Hierarchy. Students also received initial instruction on how to write a thesis statement and then practiced what they learned. Due today was the 5 themes of Geography mind map.

Maslow class notes can be found in the 5 themes powerpoint from Tuesday.

Thesis Statements notes

Tonight was also curriculum night! Parents, you can find our presentation below.

Curriculum night presentation

Upcoming Dates:
9/20: Culture and Religions Unit Exam

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


Since today was an extended learning day, students spent most of the class period working with Mr. Smith on LA (yesterday was the opposite).

Homework due Thursday: 5 Themes mind map

Upcoming Dates:
9/19: 5 Themes mind map due
9/20: Culture and Religions Unit Exam

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Today we discussed the 5 Themes of Geography. Students then worked to create a visual mind map of the 5 themes. Instructions and example are in the ppt.

5 Themes of Geography class notes (we will discuss Maslow on Thursday)

Homework due Thursday: 5 Themes mind map

Upcoming Dates:
9/19: 5 Themes mind map due
9/20: Culture and Religions Unit Exam

Monday, September 16, 2019


Today students worked in groups to create a triple venn diagram for the Abrahamic religions. If absent, use the instructions on the Islam ppt to create a triple venn on a piece of printer paper. See Mrs. Santos if you have any questions.

Upcoming Dates:
9/20: Culture and Religions Unit Exam

Friday, September 13, 2019


Today we discussed the origins of Islam. Students also turned in their cultural perspective paragraph and their scavenger hunt.

Islam class notes (Remember the Venn diagram we will do in class on Monday)

Upcoming Dates:
9/20: Culture and Religions Unit Exam

Thursday, September 12, 2019


Today we discussed the origins of Christianity. We also had a reading quiz. If absent, see Mrs. Santos for makeup.

Christianity class notes

Don't forget to bring your cultural perspective paragraph tomorrow!

Upcoming Dates:
9/13: Islam Reading (ignore the reading questions. Just take your usual notes)
9/13: Scavenger Hunt due
9/13: Santos Who Am I Survey due
9/13: Cultural Perspective Paragraph (see Abraham ppt from Monday)

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


Today was an extended learning today. Students worked with Mr. Smith on LA today. (6th period)

Upcoming Dates:
9/12: Rise of Christianity Reading
9/13: Islam Reading (ignore the reading questions. Just take your usual notes)
9/13: Scavenger Hunt due
9/13: Santos Who Am I Survey due
9/13: Cultural Perspective Paragraph (see Abraham ppt from Monday)

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Today we discussed the origins of Judaism. It was also our first extended learning day so well done surviving the 80 minute periods!

Judaism class notes

Remember that both the Christianity (due Thur) and Islam (due Friday) readings are fair game for a reading quiz! So take good notes!

Homework due Thursday: Rise of Christianity reading

Upcoming Dates:
9/12: Rise of Christianity Reading
9/11: Syllabus due
9/13: Islam Reading (ignore the reading questions. Just take your usual notes)
9/13: Scavenger Hunt due
9/13: Santos Who Am I Survey due
9/13: Cultural Perspective Paragraph (see Abraham ppt from Monday)

Monday, September 9, 2019


Today we continued our study of culture. We shared our charts and students were assigned a cultural perspective paragraph that will be due on Friday. (see class notes below for details).

We also began our study of the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) as part of our culture study. Students discussed how religion can affect our actions/choices and thus events in history. We then read the story of Abraham in groups to get the foundation for these three religions. Students also turned in their Seattle Culture charts.

Abrahamic religions intro class notes

Story of Abraham (if absent, read and answer the questions at the top of each section in your notes)

Homework due tomorrow: Read and take notes on the Origins of Judaism reading

Upcoming Dates:
9/10: Judaism reading
9/11: Syllabus due
9/13: Scavenger Hunt due
9/13: Santos Who Am I Survey due
9/13: Cultural Perspective Paragraph

Friday, September 6, 2019

9/6/19 codes:
5th Period Class ID: 22950937       Enrollment Key: Asia

6/7 Period Class ID: 22207057      Enrollment Key: Africa

Today we discussed the importance of perspective and bias when looking at culture. We discussed the rituals of the Nacirema peoples which surprise! turned out to be American spelled backwards. :)

We then looked at the 8 Cultural Universals or Elements of Culture (click link for definitions). We looked at examples of each one and discussed the questions the elements try to answer.

Cultural Universals Class Notes (Don't worry about the Cultural perspective paragraph listed on the first slide. I will introduce it on Monday, I just gave a heads up about it today).

Cultural Universals definitions

Homework Tonight: Fill in examples for each of the Cultural Universals to describe Seattle area culture (Ex: Starbucks under Economy). On the bottom of the chart, link below, write examples of elements of your personal control that differ from the mainstream. (Ex: the dominant language of the area is English. If you speak Spanish or Chinese at home you would write this in personal culture/language box). Some boxes for Seattle will have many, others may only have 1 or 2. Some of your personal culture boxes may remain empty.

To those that have already filled out the Who am I survey (link below) Thank you!.

Upcoming Dates:
9/9: Seattle Culture Chart
9/11: Syllabus due
9/13: Scavenger Hunt due
9/13: Santos Who Am I Survey due

Thursday, September 5, 2019


Today students had pictures taken. We also worked on the Village of 100 activity and discussed cultural perspective to introduce our first unit. (No makeup required)

Homework tonight is to read the Nacirema article  (link below) about the ritual of a tribal people. Highlight/underline things that represent their culture. What do they appear to value? What drives their actions? Write your thoughts and questions in the margins.

Upcoming Dates:
9/6: Nacirema reading (directions above)
9/11: Syllabus due
9/13: Scavenger Hunt due
9/13: Santos Who Am I Survey due

Tuesday, September 3, 2019


Welcome to 9th grade! Today we went over classroom expectations and got to know each other a little. When you visit by website (which I encourage you to make a daily habit), you will find:
      -A brief description of what was discussed in class (including a link to the day's powerpoint if applicable in case of absence or you need to add to your notes)
      -A description of the homework which will include links to any needed documents
      -A list of upcoming important dates, including links to important documents

Today students were given a syllabus (click link below for a digital copy). Please read this with your parent/guardian, sign the last page and return this (the last page) to Mrs. Santos or Mr. Smith no later than September 11th.

We also handed out the 9th grade scavenger hunt (link below). Feel free to work on this with a friend (must turn in separate sheets). This will help you get a good grasp on where to find important things (like your teachers!) so that you have the tools necessary to succeed in high school. This will be due no later than September 13th, though you can turn it in whenever you finish.

Finally, please fill out the Who Am I survey linked below. This helps me see a little of who you are and how I can best help you as a learner. Be honest and thorough! I do look at these and try to apply them to my teaching to make our classroom environment successful.

Upcoming Dates:
9/11: Syllabus due
9/13: Scavenger Hunt due
9/13: Santos Who Am I Survey due

Friday, June 21, 2019


Today we did a review for the final. If you are signed up for 10th grade honors, please read the documents below. One is the summer reading assignment, the other is about the books that will be needed for next year.

Don't forget to study for finals!! Feel free to email Mrs. Santos or visit her office if you have questions.


10th grade honors summer reading

10th grade honors info


Today students turned in their final projects and prepped for/performed their final Romeo and Juliet project.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019


This week students worked on completing their final world cultures project.

Final Project


Upcoming Dates:
6/19: Last day to turn in late work. May go as far back as communist China.
6/20: Final project due

Friday, June 14, 2019


Today we took our Africa/Asia map quiz. Schedule a make-up with Mrs. Santos no later than 6/19 if absent.

Below is the link to the final project we will begin next week. Ask or email Mrs. Santos if you have questions.

Final Project


Upcoming Dates:
6/19: Last day to turn in late work. May go as far back as communist China.
6/20: Final project due




Upcoming Dates:
6/14: Map Quiz
6/19: Last day to turn in late work. May go as far back as communist China.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Today we played a game to review for our map quiz.

Mrs. Santos' custom map quiz game (from class today)

Full Africa map game

Full Asia map game


Upcoming Dates:
6/14: Map Quiz
6/19: Last day to turn in late work. May go as far back as communist China.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019


Today we discussed modern India and looked at their recent elections. There is an intro to a pro-Modo perspective at the end of the Indian Independence ppt. We then watched Hasan Minahj's Patriot Act episode on the India Elections (available on Netflix, season 2).

Indian Independence and 2019 elections

Upcoming Dates:
6/14: Map Quiz
6/19: Last day to turn in late work. May go as far back as communist China.


Today we debriefed the Indian Independence movement and looked at the the Kashmir conflict. Students also turned in their reading notes.

Class notes will be posted tomorrow when we finish with modern India.

Upcoming Dates:
6/10: Last day for essay revisions
6/14: Map Quiz
6/19: Last day to turn in late work. May go as far back as communist China.

Friday, June 7, 2019


Today we took our early India quiz. We also turned in the following:

-Early India homework packet (cover sheet) Do NOT turn in the independence reading.
-Research notes from presentation. Since many groups failed to follow instructions, your group needs to submit one of the following options to Mrs. Santos:
           1. shared document that your group gathered notes in before creating your ppt.
           2. handwritten or electronic individual notes
           3. Sharing full editing privileges to your google slides with Mrs. Santos (this allows me to see past versions and see your process throughout preparation)
           4. If you have none of the above (meaning you emailed me a pdf, onedrive, or microsoft ppt) someone in your group needs to write me a note detailing your creation process. How each person contributed, what each member worked on, and how the final edits were made (reducing slide content, highlighting important information, pictures, font/color clarity, etc).
-Group Participation Grade (see Mrs. Santos for rubric)

Upcoming Dates:
6/10: Indian Independence Movement reading questions
                Independence Reading
                Reading Questions
6/10: Last day for essay revisions

Thursday, June 6, 2019


Today we finished presentations and reviewed for our quiz tomorrow. Presentations are linked in yesterday's agenda.

6/6: India readings due
6/7: Early India quiz
6/10: Last day for essay revisions


Today we continued our India presentations. Remember that all the India readings are due for stamp on Thursday. Quiz will be Friday. I have posted the presentations for each class below.

3/4 Block

Aryans A                                                     Aryans B

Guptas A                                                     Guptas B

Mauryans A                                           

Mughals through Akbar A                       

Mughals post Akbar A                               Mughals post Akbar B

British Raj A                                               British Raj B

5th Period




Mughals through Akbar

Mughals post Akbar

British Raj

Upcoming Dates:

6/6: India readings due
6/7: Early India quiz
6/10: Last day for essay revisions

Wednesday, June 5, 2019


Today periods 3/4 worked on Romeo and Juliet with Mr. Smith. 5th period continued their India presentations.

Upcoming Dates:

6/3-5: India Presentations
6/6: India readings due
6/7: Early India quiz
6/10: Last day for essay revisions

Monday, June 3, 2019


Today we began our early India presentations.

Upcoming Dates:

6/3-5: India Presentations
6/6: India readings due and Early India quiz
6/10: Last day for essay revisions

Sunday, June 2, 2019


Today students finished work on their India presentations.

Students also received their research papers back today. Students have to option to do essay revisions to earn some points back on their papers if they choose. These will be due no later than June 10th. The process is listed below and must be followed to earn credit. Revisions will not be grade if the reflection piece is not completed.

Directions for essay revisions
11. Have you checked the comments on your paper and rubric? No?  You cannot revise until you do so. Yes? You are able to revise.
22. Choose the rubric categories you most want to improve: Thesis, Evidence, Analysis, Organization, Language.
*3. For each category you want to improve, write a brief paragraph answering: What did you do well in that category?What do you need to improve? How are you going to improve?
44. Next: pick one or two sections where you struggled, and revise that. For example, say one paragraph lacked analysis, rewrite that paragraph with better analysis. Or, if you need to improve quote integration, pick a paragraph to rewrite quote integration. You may do this for more than one rubric category. If you lost points because you did not have a Works Cited Page, you can also turn that in to increase the MLA score.
55. If you are not sure why you got a score on a rubric section, read the rubric descriptors or talk to Santos.
66.This will be due June 10th. You will email or bring in a printed copy and give it to Santos. You must also attach the rubric from your original paper. I cannot add points to the category if I don't know the breakdown.
77. The overall point of this is to see that you know where you are struggling, and practice/improve by rewriting. You should not be rewriting the ENTIRE essay though

Upcoming Dates:

6/3-4: India Presentations
6/6: India readings due and Early India quiz
6/10: Last day for essay revisions

Thursday, May 30, 2019


Today students had work time on their presentations and readings.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Today students worked on their India presentations in the library.

Due Date Change! Due to issues related to SBAC testing and other shifting schedules this week, the due date for the India presentations has been moved to Monday 6/3. Your presentation needs to be emailed to Mrs. Santos by that day to be considered on time. Groups will have Wednesday, part of Thursday (very short periods), and Friday to put their presentation together. None of these days are full 59 minute classes (45 Wednesday, 27 Thursday, and 48 Friday) so use your time wisely.

The due date for the readings has also been pushed back (see below). Remember you need to critically read all of these. The British Raj has guiding questions which you can either answer or use to guide your annotations.

India Project instructions


Mauryan and Gupta

Mughal Empire (through Akbar and post Akbar)

British Raj (Answer the guiding questions for this reading)

Upcoming Dates:

6/3-4: India Presentations
6/6: India readings due and Early India quiz

Tuesday, May 28, 2019


Today students either spent both periods in the theater with Mr. Smith (3/4 block) or were in the library working on projects (5th).

Due Date Change! Due to issues related to SBAC testing and other shifting schedules this week, the due date for the India presentations has been moved to Monday 6/3. Your presentation needs to be emailed to Mrs. Santos by that day to be considered on time. Groups will have Wednesday, part of Thursday (very short periods), and Friday to put their presentation together. None of these days are full 59 minute classes (45 Wednesday, 27 Thursday, and 48 Friday) so use your time wisely.

The due date for the readings has also been pushed back (see below). Remember you need to critically read all of these. The British Raj has guiding questions which you can either answer or use to guide your annotations.

India Project instructions


Mauryan and Gupta

Mughal Empire (through Akbar and post Akbar)

British Raj (Answer the guiding questions for this reading)

Upcoming Dates:

5/29: Last day for China Test corrections
6/3-4: India Presentations
6/6: India readings due and Early India quiz

Thursday, May 23, 2019


Today students worked in the lab researching and preparing their India presentations.

Upcoming Dates:

5/29: Last day for China Test corrections
5/30-31: India Presentations
6/5: India readings due and Early India quiz


Today we did our in class timed right on modern China. Please see Mrs. Santos for a make-up if absent.

We also introduced our Ancient India presentation project. Instructions are below. If absent, you have been assigned to a group. Email Mrs. Santos with questions.

Students will be required to critically read each of the readings associated with the project. They are listed below. These will be due homework packet style on Wednesday June 5th with our quiz.

India Project instructions


Mauryan and Gupta

Mughal Empire (through Akbar and post Akbar)

British Raj (Answer the guiding questions for this reading)

Upcoming Dates:

5/29: Last day for China Test corrections
5/30-31: India Presentations
6/5: India readings due and Early India quiz

Wednesday, May 22, 2019


Today we watched a video on Tibet and discussed China's relationship with the region. Link to the video is below. (clean edit)

Post-Mao China class notes

Tibet video

Remember we will have an in class timed write on China's relationship with Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Tibet tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Today we discussed Post-Mao China. We also debriefed our Taiwan reading.

If absent, please see Mrs. Santos for notes.

Homework: Critically read Democracy in Hong Kong. Look for the similarities/differences between China/Taiwan relations and China/Hong Kong relations. Compare the perspectives of the people in these regions.

Monday, May 20, 2019


Today we took our China unit test. We also turned in our To Live reading guides. If absent, please schedule a make-up with Mrs. Santos no later than 5/29. Test corrections need to be completed by this date as well.

Homework due Tuesday: Critically read the China-Taiwan Relations reading.

Friday, May 17, 2019


Today we finished To Live  and reviewed for our test on China. Test will be on Monday.

China Study Guide

Thursday, May 16, 2019


Today in 5th period we finished To Live. 3/4 period did Shakespeare with Mr. Smith since we watched the film for the whole block yesterday.


Today we continued our viewing of To Live. We also discussed the reason behind the viewing of the film. This film shows the extremely complex nature of early communism in China. While historians often paint this as a terrible time, the people during this time period did not always see it that way. There were extreme hardships experienced by families (as seen in the film), but a unity and a desire to move forward at all costs as well. While the atrocities committed by the Chinese government are not to be downplayed, it is important to not paint the entire country through this lens. To Live shows the resilience of the Chinese people and the ability to make the best of all they experienced.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019


Today we showed off our 3D visuals representing the establishment of Communist China. Don't forget to turn in the research notes for your visual!

We also began watching To Live that will show us what life was often like for families and individuals during this time period.

Monday, May 13, 2019


Today students had time to finish creating their 3D visual representing Communism in China.

We also turned in the final draft of our research papers. Yay! Don't forget to upload to!

Friday, May 10, 2019


Today students had to time to work on their 3D visuals for communist China. Remember to turn in your research notes on your visual. The visual is due Tuesday. You will have Monday to do more work on it.

**Reminder** The final draft of your research paper is due on Monday 5/13. You MUST submit to in order to receive credit. You also need to bring a hard copy to class on Monday.

Thursday, May 9, 2019


Today we introduced and did some research for our 3D visual project. Students are working in groups of 1-3 to create a 3D visual depicting one of the phases of Mao's implementation of communism in China

  • Civil War
  • 5 Year Plan
  • Great Leap Forward
  • Cultural Revolution
As a group, you should find 2 academic sources and take notes on a few new details about your chosen phase. Email this Mrs. Santos or bring a copy to Mrs. Santos by Friday.

On Friday, your group will need to bring any materials needed to begin creating your visual. Mrs. Santos will have markers/pencils, basic paper, and tape/glue. Students will have Friday to work in class and Monday to finish with the visual being due no later than Wednesday.

Research Paper: Students should be refining and polishing their final draft.

Upcoming Dates:

5/`13: Final Draft Due

Wednesday, May 8, 2019


Today we discussed the different phases of Mao Zedong's communist China. Class notes are below. Stop when you get to the timeline.

China under Mao

Research Paper: Students should be refining and polishing their final draft.

Upcoming Dates:

5/`13: Final Draft Due


Today we worked with a partner to create a timeline of major events in China from the dynasties through Mao.


Today we did peer edits on our rough drafts.Remember to submit your rough draft to Tii.

 We then did a jigsaw covering the major phases of Mao Zedong's rule of China.

If absent, use the worksheet below to feel in 3 important highlights from each section of the reading.

Mao Zedong Reading

Jigsaw Worksheet

Research Paper: Students should be working on turning their outline into a rough draft.

Upcoming Dates:

5/`13: Final Draft Due

Friday, May 3, 2019


Today we discussed the Chinese Republic and Civil War.

Chinese Civil War notes

Research Paper: Students should be working on turning their outline into a rough draft.

Upcoming Dates:

5/6: Final Thesis revision Due
5/6: Rough Draft Due

Thursday, May 2, 2019


Today students had time in class to work on their rough drafts.

Research Paper: Students should be working on turning their outline into a rough draft.

Upcoming Dates:

5/3: Final Thesis revision Due
5/6: Rough Draft Due

Wednesday, May 1, 2019


Today we gave/received peer feedback on our 4-level outlines. We also went over tips for writing Introductions/Conclusions and looked at examples.

Intros and Conclusions

Don't forget to submit your outline to Tomorrow we will be in the lab (3rd period) and the library (5th period) to work on our rough drafts.

Research Paper: Tonight students should be looking over their peer feedback and making notes of changes they want to make for their rough drafts. Brainstorming ideas for your introduction and conclusion is also good.

Upcoming Dates:

5/3: Final Thesis revision Due
5/6: Rough Draft Due


Today we took our quiz on the Chinese Dynasties. Please arrange a time to make this up with Mrs. Santos no later than Wednesday May 8.

Research Paper: Tonight students should be working on their 4-level outlines. Be sure to include analysis and have it in proper MLA format. These should also be submitted to Tii and you should bring a hard copy to class for editing.

Upcoming Dates:

5/1: 4-level outline Due
5/3: Final Thesis revision Due

Monday, April 29, 2019


Today students had a work day in the library for their research papers.

**Remember that our Chinese Dynasty quiz will take place tomorrow!

Qing Dynasty Notes

Chinese Dynasty study guide

Research Paper: Remember to submit your 3-level outline by midnight tonight. Students should use the weaken to fill in any gaps in their research and work on their OPCVL analysis for any non-library sources. If you did not use any sources outside the library databases and books, you will submit your works cited page with a note explaining that you had only library sources.

Due Today 4/29: OPCVL analysis for all non-library (book or database) sources (email or hard copy)
OPCVL class notes

OPCVL handout

Upcoming Dates:

4/30: Chinese Dynasty Quiz
5/1: 4-level outline Due

Friday, April 26, 2019


Today we discussed the Qing dynasty and the downfall of the dynastic system in China. We also turned in our revised thesis statements and did peer edits on our 3-level outlines.

Qing Dynasty Notes

Chinese Dynasty study guide

Research Paper: Remember to submit your 3-level outline by midnight tonight. Students should use the weaken to fill in any gaps in their research and work on their OPCVL analysis for any non-library sources. If you did not use any sources outside the library databases and books, you will submit your works cited page with a note explaining that you had only library sources.

Upcoming Dates:

4/29: OPCVL analysis for all non-library (book or database) sources
OPCVL class notes

OPCVL handout

4/30: Chinese Dynasty Quiz
5/1: 4-level outline Due

Thursday, April 25, 2019


Today students had in class work time for their 3 level outline.

Research Paper: Tonight students should complete their 3 level outline. Print a copy to bring to class and submit to See formatting instructions at the end of yesterday's ppt.

Upcoming Dates:

4/26: 3-level outline due
4/29: OPCVL analysis for all non-library (book or database) sources
OPCVL class notes

OPCVL handout

Wednesday, April 24, 2019


Today we worked on organizing our research in order to improve our thesis statement and prepare for writing our outlines tomorrow. The ppt below has the suggested steps for processing and organizing your research. Use these to see where you can improve your research and your thesis statement. You may also being working on your Body Thesis Statements.

Outline/Research Organization

Research Paper: Tonight students should work on organizing and processing their research. Get a good understanding of what your research is telling you. Adjust your thesis if necessary and identify any gaps in your research that can be filled next week.

Upcoming Dates:

4/26: 3-level outline due
4/29: OPCVL analysis for all non-library (book or database) sources

Tuesday, April 23, 2019


Today we discussed the Mongols by looking at both their more barbaric tendencies as well as the many contributions the gave to the world.

Mongols class notes

Research Paper: Students should be working to deepen their research and find more specific evidence.
Consider making a list of topics/ideas that you could look into beyond the name of your topic. What part of your thesis do you still need evidence for? What have you read about that would be worth digging into further? What do you need help with?

Upcoming Dates:

4/24: Full research note cards due
4/26: 3-level outline due


Today students worked on their research in the lab.

Research Paper: Students should be working to deepen their research and find more specific evidence.
Consider making a list of topics/ideas that you could look into beyond the name of your topic. What part of your thesis do you still need evidence for? What have you read about that would be worth digging into further? What do you need help with?

Upcoming Dates:

4/24: Full research note cards due
4/26: 3-level outline due

Friday, April 19, 2019


Today we analyzed the Mongols and tried to decide if they were more civilized or barbaric.

If absent, use the documents to create a T-chart. Use the chart below to cite evidence of either the civility or barbarism of the Mongols from the documents. Be sure to cite which document you use.

Mongols documents (ignore instructions on front)

Mongols T-chart

Research Paper: Today we turned in the first half of our note cards. This weekend students should be working to deepen their research and find more specific evidence.
Consider making a list of topics/ideas that you could look into beyond the name of your topic. What part of your thesis do you still need evidence for? What have you read about that would be worth digging into further? What do you need help with?

Upcoming Dates:

4/24: Full research note cards due
4/26: 3-level outline due

Thursday, April 18, 2019


Today students worked in the library on their semester two research paper. We also received feedback on our initial thesis statement. Make sure to check this off or email Mrs. Santos if you were absent.

Research Paper: Tonight students should be adding to their research, looking over what they've found and using their thesis statement and research question and feedback to see what you need to look for. Consider making a list of topics/ideas that you could look into to help answer your question. What part of your thesis do you still need evidence for? What do you need help with?

Upcoming Dates:

4/19: First half of notecards due

Wednesday, April 17, 2019


Today we looked at the Tang/Song dynasties. We then discussed the impact of the various ideas and inventions that came from the Chinese Dynastic Cycle.

Tang/Song notes

We also got an introduction to the JSTOR database and some tips on how to decipher our research questions to discover our thesis.

Research Paper: Tonight students should be adding to their research, looking over what they've found and using their research question and feedback to see what you need to look for. Consider making a list of topics/ideas that you could look into to help answer your question. Remember you will need a what/how/so what so decide what part of your research question will lead you to each piece. 

Upcoming Dates:

4/18: Initial Thesis Due
4/19: First half of notecards due