Wednesday, December 19, 2018


Today we practiced applying the 8 cultural universals to our knowledge of Civics and Latin America. This will be important as we approach finals next month so be sure you are reviewing the universals.


Today was a work day for our Travel Itinerary Project. These are due Wednesday and can be printed or emailed to Mrs. Santos.

Monday, December 17, 2018


Today students took their Latin America Test and turned in their homework packets. Please schedule a make-up with Mrs. Santos if absent.

Students then had time to work on their Travel Itinerary project. Tomorrow will also be a workday for the project.

Latin American Homework Packet

Upcoming Dates:

Wednesday 12/19: Travel Itinerary Project Due (prep sheet is on pages 2-3 of the document)

Friday, December 14, 2018


Today students received back their Civics Research Paper. We debriefed and discussed what went well and what could be improved upon for next time. We also took some time to review for Monday's Latin America Test.

Latin American Homework Packet (Due Monday)

Upcoming Dates:

Monday 12/17: Latin America unit test - Study Guide (please arrange to take early if you will be out of town)
Wednesday 12/19: Travel Itinerary Project Due (prep sheet is on pages 2-3 of the document)

Wednesday, December 12, 2018


I will be sad to not see my students that after our crazy Wednesday. I am glad everyone is safe and well.

Today students should use their time wisely to work on their travel itinerary project. Anyone who missed the may quiz can take it today or Friday in class as grades are due Monday.

For students needing to take the unit test early, please see the Columbian exchange notes on yesterday's agenda. Though you will not see me cover this with the class, reading through the slides combined with your at home reading will be more than sufficient for the topic in regards to the test. Feel free to email Mrs. Santos with questions.

Upcoming Dates:

Monday 12/17: Latin America unit test - Study Guide (please arrange to take early if you will be out of town)
Wednesday 12/19: Travel Itinerary Project Due (prep sheet is on pages 2-3 of the document)


Today we discussed the Columbian Exchange and created menu items from a specific region.

Columbian Exchange class notes

Upcoming Dates:

Monday 12/17: Latin America unit test - Study Guide (please arrange to take early if you will be out of town)
Wednesday 12/19: Travel Itinerary Project Due (prep sheet is on pages 2-3 of the document)

Tuesday, December 11, 2018


Today we discussed the Spanish Encomienda system and the Spanish Casta system. We looked at syncretism and how/why it developed in Latin America.

Encomienda class notes

Upcoming Dates:

Wednesday 12/12: Columbian Exchange reading questions (do not need to critically read, just answer questions)

Monday 12/17: Latin America unit test - Study Guide (please arrange to take early if you will be out of town)
Wednesday 12/19: Travel Itinerary Project Due (prep sheet is on pages 2-3 of the document)

Monday, December 10, 2018


Today students created a bumper sticker for an explorer, conquistador or major Latin American figure (Atahualpa, Moctezuma, Malinche). Instructions are at the end of the Cortes/Pizarro class notes. Be sure to cite your evidence on the back!

Cortes/Pizarro class notes

Upcoming Dates:

Tuesday 12/11: Spanish Colonies reading (take notes in your preferred style)
Wednesday 12/12: Columbian Exchange reading questions (do not need to critically read, just answer questions)

Monday 12/17: Latin America unit test - Study Guide (please arrange to take early if you will be out of town)
Wednesday 12/19: Travel Itinerary Project Due (prep sheet is on pages 2-3 of the document)

Friday, December 7, 2018


Today we discussed the conquest of the Aztecs and Incas by the Spanish. Students applied Jared Diamond's theory and made a pie chart to determine which factors they felt were most influential in the conquistadors' success.

Cortes/Pizarro class notes

Upcoming Dates:

Tuesday 12/11: Spanish Colonies reading (take notes in your preferred style)
Wednesday 12/12: Columbian Exchange reading questions (do not need to critically read, just answer questions)

Monday 12/17: Latin America unit test (please arrange to take early if you will be out of town)
Wednesday 12/19: Travel Itinerary Project Due

Thursday, December 6, 2018


Today we discussed the motivations behind European exploration. We then learned about Jared Diamond's Guns, Germs, and Steel theory about why Europeans were able to conquer so much of the world. We then applied this to Latin America and looked at some of the holes in the theory.

Jared Diamond class notes

Students then read the reading on European Exploration and made a chart that showed Christopher Columbus, Prince Henry, Vasco de Gama, and Bartolomeu Dias. The chart should include their country of origin (who they sailed for), where they went, and their motivations for going. There is an example at the end of the class notes.

Europeans Exploration reading

Upcoming Dates: 

12/7: Cortes/Pizarro reading (critically read)

Tuesday, December 4, 2018


Today we took our map quiz. See Mrs. Santos for a make-up if absent.

When finished, students had time to finish their outline from yesterday or work on their reading that is due Friday (see below).

Upcoming Dates: 

12/7: Cortes/Pizarro reading (critically read)


Today we had a mini-debate about which ancient Mesoamerican Civilization was the most advanced/developed. We then worked in partners to write a thesis and outline a body paragraph using evidence from our readings/debate.

If absent, write a thesis and outline a body paragraph using the instructions located at the end of the class notes.

Class Notes

Upcoming Dates:

12/5: Latin America Map Quiz
12/7: Cortes/Pizarro reading (critically read)

Monday, December 3, 2018


Today we discussed the structure and society of the Inca Empire. Students also looked for Inca symbols in popular film and were introduced to the Travel Itinerary Project.

Inca Class Notes

Upcoming Dates:

12/5: Latin America Map Quiz

Friday, November 30, 2018


Today we did a primary document source analysis of Aztec documents. We then discussed Aztec society. If absent, see Mrs. Santos for make-up source analysis.

Aztec class notes

Upcoming Dates:

12/3: Inca Reading Due
12/5: Map Quiz

Thursday, November 29, 2018


Today we discussed the Mayan Civilization and wrote a thesis statement detailing why they were advanced.

Mayan Class Notes

Upcoming Dates:

11/30: Aztec Reading due
11/30: Latin America map due
12/3: Inca Reading Due


Today we worked on our Latin American Maps.

Upcoming Dates:

11/29: Mayan Reading due
11/30: Aztec Reading due
11/30: Latin America map due
12/3: Inca Reading Due

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


Today we took our Civics Common Assessment. If absent, please schedule with Mrs. Santos to take the test no later than December 7th.

If the end of your week is busy, I recommend starting on the readings below early.

Upcoming Dates:

11/29: Mayan Reading due
11/30: Aztec Reading due
11/30: Latin America map due
12/3: Inca Reading Due

Monday, November 26, 2018


Today we created group notes on the origins of ancient Mesoamerican civilizations and discussed the earliest cultures. See the reading and class notes below. (You will need both)

Early Mesoamerican civilizations

Class notes

We also began our map activity today. Maps are due Friday. See Mrs. Santos if you were absent as they are printed on larger paper. We also have several back to back readings coming up. If the end of your week is busy, I recommend starting on the readings below early.

Upcoming Dates:

11/29: Mayan Reading due
11/30: Aztec Reading due
11/30: Latin America map due
12/3: Inca Reading Due

Tuesday, November 20, 2018


Today students took a survey to give feedback on our semester thus far. We also got a heads up on what December will look like.

If absent, please click the link below to take the survey.

Mid-Semester Survey


Today we took our Civics Unit Test and turned in our homework packet. If absent, please see Mrs. Santos and schedule a time to make up the test no later than November 30.

Monday, November 19, 2018


Today we reviewed for our Civics Unit Test. Our game is attached but students should fully study  their study guide as the game does not cover everything. Remember you will need to download and enable content for it to work.

Make sure you also have your Homework Packet ready to turn in.

Civics Jeopardy

Friday, November 16, 2018


Today we finished our Foreign Policy discussion by looking at IGOs and NGOs and evaluating the effectiveness of the UN.

Foreign Policy Notes

Unit Test Tuesday Nov. 20 as well as homework packet due.

Civics Unit Study Guide

Civics Unit Homework Packet

Thursday, November 15, 2018


Today we began our discussion on Foreign Policy. Reminder that our Unit Test will be Tuesday Nov. 20th. Study Guide and Homework Packet sheet are below.

Civics Unit Study Guide

Civics Unit Homework Packet

Homework Due Friday: Critically read the two UN articles below. Your annotations MUST include (but are not limited to) 3 questions per article.

NYT UN Article

CFR UN Article

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


Today students turned in the final draft of their Civics research paper as well as proof of their peer edits. We then discussed when did and did not go well with the paper and brainstormed a wish list of things that would help next time.

Homework Due Friday: Critically read the two UN articles below. Your annotations MUST include (but are not limited to) 3 questions per article.

NYT UN Article

CFR UN Article

Tuesday, November 13, 2018


Today we took an open note quiz and graded it in class. See Mrs. Santos if absent to schedule a make-up.

** Tomorrow you must bring a hard copy of your final draft of your Civics paper to class. Students should also have proof of 2 peer edits. 

Homework Due Friday: Critically read the two UN articles below. Your annotations MUST include (but are not limited to) 3 questions per article.

NYT UN Article

CFR UN Article

Friday, November 9, 2018


Today students participated in a student graded discussion on the changing role of media in politics. We also went over some suggestions for using academic voice in our paper and breaking up particularly long paragraphs. Students should have also uploaded a copy of their Works Cited to Tii.

Class notes

On Tuesday we will have an open note quiz (to be placed in the process category) to help us review the content we've been interspersing with our paper. Please come prepared with your class notes to use.
Civics Paper: Tonight students should review their feedback and work on revising their rough draft. Focus on deepening your analysis and clarifying your evidence.

Due Wednesday Nov 14th: Final Draft new due date. You should also bring copies of 2 peer edits you received OR a note from whoever did the editing if you no longer have the edited copy.

Thursday, November 8, 2018


Today we discussed campaigns and elections and how the system affects those in the middle of our political typology spectrum.

Elections Notes

Homework Due Friday: Students should critically read the article on the roles of the media and come prepared for a graded discussion tomorrow on the media and politics.

Civics Paper: Tonight students should review their feedback and work on revising their rough draft. Focus on deepening your analysis and clarifying your evidence.
Due Friday Nov 9th: Works Cited Page (hard copy in class and uploaded to Tii)

Due Wednesday Nov 14th: Final Draft new due date

Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Today students presented their election/campaign information in their jigsaw groups. If absent you may get notes from a peer or take notes on key words and general ideas in Sections 10.3-10.5 of the TCI textbook.

Civics Paper: Tonight students should review their feedback and work on revising their rough draft. Focus on deepening your analysis and clarifying your evidence.
Due Friday Nov 9th: Works Cited Page (hard copy in class and uploaded to Tii)

Due Wednesday Nov 14th: Final Draft new due date

Tuesday, November 6, 2018


Today we discussed how to deepen our analysis and give better feedback before doing a peer edit of our second rough draft. Remember that you need to upload your rough draft (either first or second) to tonight.

Tomorrow we will finish and present our Elections/Campaigns Jigsaw.

Civics Paper: Tonight students should review their feedback and work on revising their rough draft. Focus on deepening your analysis and clarifying your evidence.
Due Friday Nov 9th: Works Cited Page (hard copy in class and uploaded to Tii)

Due Wednesday Nov 14th: Final Draft new due date

Monday, November 5, 2018


Today students worked in groups to prepare information for our Elections and Campaigns jigsaw which will take place on Wednesday.

Civics Paper: Tonight students should continue developing their rough drafts. Remember that we have adjusted some due dates to allow for more feedback and help.
Due Tuesday Nov 6th: Second Rough Draft

Due Friday Nov 9th: Works Cited Page (hard copy in class and uploaded to Tii)

Due Wednesday Nov 14th: Final Draft new due date

Friday, November 2, 2018


Today students gave and received peer edits on their initial rough drafts.

Homework Due Monday: Critically Read the More than Red and Blue article and then answer the attached questions.

Rough Draft Structure:

Suggestions for expanding or Condensing your word count

Civics Paper: Tonight students should continue developing their rough drafts. Remember that we have adjusted some due dates to allow for more feedback and help.
Due Tuesday Nov 6th: Second Rough Draft

Due Wednesday Nov 14th: Final Draft new due date

Thursday, November 1, 2018


Yesterday was a work day for our Civics Paper.

Today we discussed the structure and roles of our Two-party political system. Notes can be found below.

Political Party Class Notes

Homework Due Monday: Critically Read the More than Red and Blue article and then answer the attached questions.

Civics Paper: Tonight students should continue developing their rough drafts. Remember that we have adjusted some due dates to allow for more feedback and help. Be ready to get feedback on at least a partial rough draft tomorrow.
Due Friday Nov 2nd: Initial Rough Draft and Final Thesis revision

Due Tuesday Nov 6th: Second Rough Draft

Due Wednesday Nov 14th: Final Draft new due date

Tuesday, October 30, 2018


Today students gave and received peer edits on their outlines. We also discussed what a good paragraph should look like and tips for how to take their outline into Rough Draft format.

Peer edits and Rough draft notes

Due Friday Nov 2nd: Midterm Election Research Pt. 3

Civics Paper: Tonight students should review their feedback and begin developing their ideas into a rough draft. Remember to upload your outline to Tii if you have not already done so.
Due Friday Nov 2nd: Rough Draft and Final Thesis revision

Monday, October 29, 2018


Today we discussed citizenship and the rights/responsibilities that come with it. We also discussed how age and education influence voter participation.

Citizenship class notes

Due Friday Nov 2nd: Midterm Election Research Pt. 3

Civics Paper: Tonight students should be finalizing their 3-level outline. You should bring a hard copy to class for peer editing AND submit your outline to
Due Tuesday Oct 30th : 3-Level MLA outline (see Thursday's agenda for notes and template)

Due Friday Nov 2nd: Rough Draft and Final Thesis revision

Friday, October 26, 2018


Today was a work day for our Civics paper. Students also turned in their Source Analysis and Thesis Revision #2.

Civics Paper: This weekend students should be working on developing their Body Thesis Statements and organizing their outlines

Due Friday Oct 29th : Thesis Revision #2

Due Tuesday Oct 31st : 3-Level MLA outline (see Thursday's agenda for notes and template)

Thursday, October 25, 2018


Today we finished our discussion on suffrage and disenfranchisement (see below).


We also went over outlining and Body Thesis Statement instruction. Powerpoints and an outline template can be found below.

Outlining (additional resources can be found in the Writing Resources page in the sidebar)

Body Thesis Statements This has been updated to reflect our class discussion of not needing a full so what for your BTS.

Outlining Template

Remember when finishing up your OPCVL Source Analysis, this is NOT something that should take more than about an hour, even with more than 6 sources. Do the simplest version. Briefly tell me where it's from/author, why it was written, and what information you gained. Then tell me why it's a legitimate source and why that information was important for your paper. (Value) Then tell me what you couldn't get from it and what bias is included (Limitations). KEEP IT SIMPLE!

Civics Paper: Tonight students should finalize their OPCVL Source Analysis. If finished, students can work on organizing their notecards to match the how and/or so what of their thesis statement in preparation for outline writing.
Due Friday Oct 26th : Source Analysis

Due Friday Oct 26th : Thesis Revision #2 (I will also accept this on Monday if students are still working through it.)

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Today was our final in-class research day for our Civics paper.

Civics Paper: Tonight students should finalize their research and prepare their notecards to be handed in tomorrow.Make sure to number your sources and categorize your notecards (color coding works great) by context, evidence for your position, and evidence against your position.
Due Thursday Oct 25th : All research note cards

Due Friday Oct 26th : Source Analysis


Today we took an open note quiz covering everything from the roots of American government through the three branches of government. Schedule make-up with Mrs. Santos if absent.

We also began our discussion on Voting rights which will be continued on Thursday.

Civics Paper: Tonight students should continue their research. Remember to focus on finding specific evidence to support your so what and the different parts of your how. Specify these if you have not done so.
Due Thursday Oct 25th : All research note cards and Source Analysis

Monday, October 22, 2018


Today was a research day in the library for our Civics paper.

The sign up sheet for one-on-one conferences with Mrs. Santos can be found outside my office in 2410D. It will hang on the whiteboard next to my door and I will bring it to class each day.

Remember, tomorrow we will have an open note quiz on everything we've covered so far in Civics. It is a short quiz meant to jog our memories in a big unit so we don't forget stuff while we are working on our papers.

Civics Paper: Tonight students should continue their research. Remember to focus on finding specific evidence to support your so what and the different parts of your how. Specify these if you have not done so.
Due Thursday Oct 25th : All research note cards and Source Analysis

Friday, October 19, 2018


Today was a research day in the library for our Civics paper.

Turned in today:
        ~Initial thesis statement
        ~Fake News Article

Civics Paper: This weekend students should continue their research. Remember to focus on finding specific evidence to support your so what and the different parts of your how. Specify these if you have not done so.
Due Thursday Oct 25th : All research note cards and Source Analysis

Thursday, October 18, 2018


Today we learned how to do an OPCVL source evaluation and practiced in groups. We also turned in and received feedback on our research questions and looked at how to find specific evidence. Tomorrow and Monday will be research days in class. These will be your final in class research times before we begin in class writing. All other research needs to be done at home.

OPCVL class notes

OPCVL handout

Due Friday: Fake news article for one of your midterm election candidates. See instructions in Monday's agenda

Civics Paper: Tonight students should be writing their thesis statement. Remember that you need to take a position on the issue and your thesis statement should answer your research question.
Due Friday: Initial Thesis Statement

Wednesday, October 17, 2018


Today we discussed how to recognize media bias. This will be important when doing our source evaluation for our Civics paper. Notes are below. Use these to help you when assessing the sources you find for your paper. We also received instruction on how to write a good research question, which is due tomorrow.

Media Bias and Research Questions

Due Friday: Fake news article for one of your midterm election candidates. See instructions in Monday's agenda

Civics Paper: Tonight you should be working to finalizing your topic and writing your research question. Use today's notes to help. Email Mrs. Santos or see her before school if you need help.
Due Thursday: Final Topic Choice and Research Question

Due Friday: Initial Thesis Statement

Tuesday, October 16, 2018


Today was our first library research day for our Civics Research Paper.

Due Friday: Fake news article for one of your midterm election candidates. See instructions in Monday's agenda

Civics Paper: Tonight you should be working to finalize and specify your topic. If you already have your topic, narrow it down, define your position, and or work towards finding your needed evidence. If you have not finalized your topic, look into the possibilities some more. Make sure you can look at both sides and take a firm position. Email Mrs. Santos or see her before school if you need help.
Due Today: Civics Research Paper sheet signed by student and parent (just the last page)
Due Thursday: Final Topic Choice and Research Question

Due Friday: Initial Thesis Statement

Monday, October 15, 2018


Today we held a joint LA/SS discussion on Fake News: What it is, why it's important and how to recognize it. Students have the following assignment DUE FRIDAY.

Create a fake news article for one of the candidates in the midterm election you are tracking for Mrs. Santos. Below are the signs of a strong fake news story that you should consider when creating your article. This will go in BOTH gradebooks and be graded on the criteria in red.
1.Confirm the partisan beliefs of its target audience (cognitive bias) - you choose the audience
◦Including extreme ‘conspiracy level’ views of the left or right
◦Not likely to target moderates
2.Include quotes (fake or real and taken out of context) and pictures
3.Appear on a website that LOOKS legit and follow news “style” (Make it look like a legitimate news site, using something familiar as a template. Create a legitimate looking url.)
◦Decent looking URL like
◦Mention possibly credible sources
◦Have other content including ads and other Fake News
4.Be short enough that a reader might quickly read and share it before thinking critically
5.Be about something alarming or scary
6.Target a group of people with similar beliefs who feel marginalized (they have less power) (echo chamber)
7. Click-bait title
8. DO NOT share this on social media

Civics Paper: Tonight you should be continuing your preliminary research to decide on a topic. Tomorrow is our first library research day. Come prepared to come help finalizing/choosing a topic OR be ready to share your topic with Mrs. Santos and begin your thorough research.
Due Tuesday: Civics Research Paper sheet signed by student and parent (just the last page)
Due Thursday: Final Topic Choice and Research Question

Friday, October 12, 2018


Today we discussed our Midterm Election Research and turned in part 2. Remember that if you have not turned in all the parts of your Supreme Court Case project by the end of today it is considered late.

We also introduced our Civics Research Paper. You can find the intro document and topic list below. Your signature sheet signed by your and your parent/guardian indicating your understanding of the paper requirements is due Monday.

Civics Paper Explanation and Requirements

Civics Paper potential topics

Thursday, October 11, 2018


Wednesday was PSAT day.

Today we did and in class discussion on the Bill of Rights and what each amendment means to us. I have included the powerpoint below but know that this simply highlights the important phrases in each amendment to help you remember the basic right being protected. If absent you should still touch base with someone from class to see notes on the deeper discussion about the conflicts that arise from these ideas.

Bill of Rights powerpoint

Due tomorrow: Midterm Election Research pt. 2

Tuesday, October 9, 2018


Today students presented their Landmark Supreme Court Case project in small groups. Remember to email your presentation to Mrs. Santos (or give some kind of hard copy) so that I can grade it. Students took notes on each of the presentations.

Students should also give Mrs. Santos a hard copy of their notecards (email is also acceptable) AND upload their works cited page to

Homework due Thursday: Critically read the Bill of Rights. Keep in mind the following:
                   *What rights are protected?
                   *What does this mean in our day?
                   *What conflicts arise surrounding these rights?

Supreme Court Case Presentations

Brown v Board
Mapp v Ohio
Gideon v Wainwright
Miranda v Arizona
Tinker v Des Moines
Regents of the U of California v Bakke
Roe v Wade
New Jersey v TLO

Friday, October 5, 2018


Today we had class time to research our Landmark Supreme Court Case.

Each member of you group should be researching a different court case. You will present your case to your group on Tuesday October 9 in a manner of your choosing, so long as it is clear and meets all requirements. I have linked the assignment and the powerpoint on how to do research notecards below. You can find additional resources by clicking on the Writing Resources link at the right.

Remember you will have Friday in the library to research your court case.

Landmark Court Case Jigsaw                                           

Research and Notecards

Don't forget your election research! Part 2  is due next Friday October 12 and is focused on the media aspect of your candidates' campaigns. This part should be a separate typed document that is more thorough than the first (meaning full sentences).

Midterm Election research

Midterm races assignments

**Due date for part 2 has been adjusted to October 12 to accommodate the beginning of our Civics research paper.

Thursday, October 4, 2018


Today we discussed the Judicial Branch of government (notes below). We also assigned our Landmark Supreme Court Case Jigsaw. Each member of you group should be researching a different court case. You will present your case to your group on Tuesday October 9 in a manner of your choosing, so long as it is clear and meets all requirements. I have linked the assignment and the powerpoint on how to do research notecards below. You can find additional resources by clicking on the Writing Resources link at the right.

Remember you will have Friday in the library to research your court case.

Landmark Court Case Jigsaw                                            Judicial Branch class notes

Research and Notecards

Don't forget your election research! Part 1 is due tomorrow!! If you are finished with part 1 (due Friday October 5) you may begin working on part 2. (same document) This part should be a separate typed document that is more thorough than the first (meaning full sentences).

Midterm Election research Part 1 (part 2 can also be found here)

Midterm races assignments

Due date for part 2 has been adjusted to October 12 to accommodate the beginning of our Civics research paper.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018


Today we discussed the Executive Branch of the government. If absent, notes are below, after the George Washington slide you do not need to write stuff down. The rest was an idea we discussed that will tie back in later discussions.

Executive Branch class notes

Don't forget your election research! If you are finished with part 1 (due Friday October 5) you may begin working on part 2. (same document) This part should be a separate typed document that is more thorough than the first (meaning full sentences).

Midterm Election research Part 1

Midterm races assignments

Due date for part 2 has been adjusted to October 12 to accommodate the beginning of our Civics research paper.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018


Today we had a work day in the library for our midterm election research. If you are finished with part 1 (due Friday October 5) you may begin working on part 2. (same document) This part should be a separate typed document that is more thorough than the first (meaning full sentences).

Midterm Election research Part 1

Midterm races assignments

Due date for part 2 has been adjusted to October 12 to accommodate the beginning of our Civics research paper.

Monday, October 1, 2018


Today we finished our discussion of the Legislative Branch by looking at pork barrel legislation, war powers, and state legislatures.

Legislative Branch class notes

We also introduced our midterm election research project. Below you will find the instructions and resources for part 1 as well as the list of contested races and who is assigned to each one. (Both 3/4 and 5th period are on the same sheet.) Each student should be looking at either a governor race, a congressional Senate race, or a specific congressional House of Representatives district within a state. If there is a name and party next to the district, that is your incumbent. If it says open, that means the incumbent is not seeking re-election. Part one will be due on Friday October 5 and students will have Tuesday to work on this in class.

Midterm Election research Part 1

Midterm races assignments

Friday, September 28, 2018


Today we began our discussion on the Legislative Branch. Notes are below (stopped at Filibuster today).

Legislative Branch class notes

Thursday, September 27, 2018


Today we took our mini-quiz covering Power, comparative government, and federalism. We then did some thesis instruction and group thesis practice.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018


Today we finished our discussion on Federalism. We looked at Special Purpose Districts and discussed why it is important to be informed about government and voting.
Federalism Class Notes

Tuesday, September 25, 2018


Today we discussed the structure of a federalist government and the advantages and disadvantages to federalism. We also talked about the different types of local government and some of the problems it comes with.

Federalism Class Notes

Homework: Students should read sections 6.2 and 6.5 in the TCI textbook. Instructions for your notes as well as a scan of the sections can be found by clicking on the above link.

Reminder that we will have a mini-quiz on Thursday covering Power through Federalism.

Monday, September 24, 2018


Today we discussed the creation and basic structure of the U.S. Constitution.

Constitution Class Notes

Homework: Students should read sections 6.2 and 6.5 in the TCI textbook. Instructions for your notes as well as a scan of the sections can be found by clicking on the above link.

Friday, September 21, 2018


Today we debriefed our comparative government research. We also did a mind map in class to connect power types, governments and political power strategies. If absent, create a mind map that starts with power in the middle. Then begin branching out using the 5 types of power, political power strategies, and our comparative governments to make connections.

Comparative Government notes

Homework due Monday 9/24: Read and take notes on sections 3.4, 4.2, and 4.4 of your TCI book. Pay special attention to the following:
                        *Creation of the Constitution and the issues that required compromise
                        *Basic structure of the Constitution
                        *Guiding Principles of the Constitution

Tuesday, September 18, 2018


Today we continued work on our comparative government assignment. Chart due in class tomorrow. Works Cited should be submitted to Tii.

Comparative government assignment

Students must also submit an MLA formatted works cited page to Turnitin. This is due before school starts on Friday.

Comparative Government Chart


Today we began our Comparative Government research. Using the library databases, or other good academic sources if working from home and struggling to access database, students will learn the basic structure and definition of each of the government types in the chart below. Students will then analyze which of the 5 types of power that government is most likely to use as well as giving 3 examples of countries that use or have used that form of government.

Comparative government assignment

Students must also submit an MLA formatted works cited page to Turnitin. This is due before school starts on Friday.

Comparative Government Chart


Today we started our Civics unit. We discussed Power vs. Authority, power types, and political power strategies. Notes in powerpoint below.

Power and government ppt

Handed in Today: 9th Grade Scavenger Hunt

Due Wednesday 9/19: Read and answer the attached questions for TCI's chapter 2 section 5. If the online book is not working you can find the reading and attached questions here Section 2.5.
              ***The questions are not in the book but in the attached document.

Monday, September 17, 2018


Today we took our quiz on Culture, the 5 Themes of Geography and Maslow's Hierarchy of needs.

Due today: Unit 1 Homework packet

Today we also made sure we could sign up for the online Civics textbook. Instructions can be found below. This works best if done on a school computer or the school wifi first.

After the quiz we did some thesis statement instruction. Notes can be found here:

How to write a thesis statement

Due Wednesday 9/19: Read and answer the attached questions for TCI's chapter 2 section 5. If the online book is not working you can find the reading and attached questions here Section 2.5.
              ***The questions are not in the book but in the attached document or handed out in class.

Student Instructions for TCI through ClassLink

TCI online curriculum materials for your class will be through ClassLink – There should be a ClassLink short cut on the desktop of school computers. ClassLink is a Launchpad for students to access online district curriculum and tools. For most applications ClassLink serves as a password locker, once you enter your username and password for TCI, ClassLink will remember it the next time you log in.

YOU MUST USE a CURRENT BROWSER!! Check your browser at:
Step 1Click the ClassLink icon on your desktop OR go to

Step 2: Log onto ClassLink with your school computer/network username. The first 4 letters of your last name, first 3 letters of your first name, and your two-digit graduation year. Example: SmitJoe18 – if there is another student in the district with the same letters in the first part of their first and last name and same graduation year, there may be an additional number after the graduation year.
Your password is the same as your regular network password. This is what you use when you log onto the computer at school.

Step 3: Click on the TCI-Students icon. You should see the text books for the classes that you have that use TCI books.

Friday, September 14, 2018


Today we turned in our cultural perspective paragraphs and reflected on the process. Also due today were our 5 themes of geography visuals.

In class we discussed Maslow's Hierarchy, it's meaning and possible exceptions to the theory. We also learned about and practiced highlighting and annotating (critical reading). Students should create their own personal hierarchy on the back after finishing their critical read of the Maslow article.

Our first quiz will be on Monday 9/17. This will cover the cultural universals, 5 themes of geography, and Maslow's hierarchy. There will be no study guide as it is a short unit. Be able to identify, give examples of, and analyze the impact of the 3 concepts and you will be well prepared.

Your first homework packet will also be due. It will include the following:

Due Monday 9/17: Unit 1 Homework Packet
Due Tuesday 9/18: 9th Grade Scavenger Hunt (goes in both grade books)

Thursday, September 13, 2018


Today we finished our 5 themes of Geography visual mind maps. These are due tomorrow. Please remember that you are to bring cultural perspective paragraph to class tomorrow as well.

Our first quiz will be on Monday 9/17. This will cover the cultural universals, 5 themes of geography, and Maslow's hierarchy. There will be no study guide as it is a short unit. Be able to identify, give examples of, and analyze the impact of the 3 concepts and you will be well prepared.

Your first homework packet will also be due. It will include the following:

  • Nacirema article
  • Plateau/Personal culture chart (blue)
  • Maslow's Hierarchy reading (yellow, assigned Friday)

Due Friday 9/14: Cultural Perspective paragraph
Due Friday 9/14: 5 Themes visual (done mostly in class)
Due Monday 9/17: Unit 1 Homework Packet
Due Tuesday 9/18: 9th Grade Scavenger Hunt (goes in both grade books)

Wednesday, September 12, 2018


Today we worked on our visual mind maps for the 5 themes of geography. See instructions and an example in Tuesday's ppt.

Due Today: Who Am I survey
Due Friday 9/14: Cultural Perspective paragraph
Due Friday 9/14: 5 Themes visual (done mostly in class)
Due Tuesday 9/18: 9th Grade Scavenger Hunt (goes in both grade books)

Tuesday, September 11, 2018


Today we defined some of our history command terms and handed out our 9th grade scavenger hunt. We also assigned our Cultural Perspective paragraph. This will act as our writing pre-assessment for the semester and help us see where we need to go with our writing instruction.

Paragraph Assignment (also found in powerpoint): Write a thesis driven paragraph that answers the following prompt. To what extent does __________ (pick one cultural universal to talk about) impact the way you act/live your life?
Your paragraph should include and introduction and be supported by specific evidence and analysis.
Due Friday 9/14

Cultural Universals/5 themes ppt                                           Cultural Universals Definitions

Stamped Today: Plateau/Personal Culture Chart

Due Wednesday 9/12: Who Am I survey
Due Friday 9/14: Cultural Perspective paragraph
Due Friday 9/14: 5 Themes visual (done mostly in class)
Due Tuesday 9/18: 9th Grade Scavenger Hunt (goes in both grade books)

Monday, September 10, 2018


Today we discussed culture, perspective, and  the 8 cultural universals. These will be referenced and used throughout the year so students should be very familiar with them. For homework, students should list examples for each of the universals for both Sammamish Plateau culture (could widen to Seattle as a whole if needed) and their own personal culture on their blue chart. This is due tomorrow.

This is a short unit so the universals ppt will be posted at the end of this week with the rest of the units' content. If you need the definitions for the universals, they are linked below and will be handed out tomorrow.

Stamped today: Nacirema article

Due Tuesday 9/11: Plateau/Personal culture chart (blue)               Cultural Universals definitions
Due Wednesday 9/12: Who Am I survey